Red Wine Drain

26 July 2009 in photography

Red Wine Drain, June 2008

Red Wine Drain, June 2008

A friend and I stayed in a small chalet just out of Nannup in what seemed to be the middle of a forrest.
I had a pretty good evening the night before, this photo was taken the morning after when I poured out the last little bit of red wine from the bottle. It was pretty early in the morning and I was feeling a little seedy, so it got poured down the sink and not into another glass. :)
Guess I kinda liked the way the red wine just splashed and left its mark in the drain, I remember going to all the effort of setting up the tripod to take this photo.

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Surprise photo shoot

24 July 2009 in photography

Louise, July 2009

Louise, July 2009

Louise wasn’t expecting a photo shoot that day, we agreed I’d take her photo at some stage, but a proper time or date was never set. I remember seeing my camera earlier and I thought it’d be fun to wipe off the dust and take a couple photos. I literally only did take a couple photos of her. She was still in her work uniform and I wasn’t even using a proper portrait lens. However, she is such a good poser it didn’t take much to capture her amazing smile. :)



A slight change

24 July 2009 in blah

Obviously I haven’t gotten into the swing of things with this blog yet. I’ve made some minor tweaks lately though:

  • Added my mug shot face in the corner. It follows your mouse pointer, how crazy! Maybe I might turn it into a proper wordpress plugin one day. Although I’m well aware this is more a joke thing.
  • Added lighbox support because everybody likes to look at images nicely.
  • Added a plugin to download photos from my facebook account. No real reason for this just yet, but it seemed like a pretty nifty feature.

Soon I’ll start uploading some of my old photos and I’ll write about them as I go, I’d hate to forget about these moments and I think this might be the best way to go about not forgetting.



Hello world!

19 July 2009 in blah

I’ve decided to get a wordpress type blog.

I wouldn’t hold your breathe waiting for me to update this. But there will be times when I want to remember how I did something. I figure one of the best ways is to blog about it.

Maybe one day later I’ll write my own theme, but for now this theme by Gert-Jan Bosch seems to be a good enough mould for my style.
